Nancy Marks
“Red Window”
“Red Window”
16" x 20"
Acrylic on Board
This abstract piece by Nancy Marks depicts her rendition of a walk through the city, with all of its colors and shapes blown into floating panes of color that cut across the surface.
It is a piece that is more relevant today than ever, with many people finding solace and peace in taking walks, wherever they may be, in a time where indoor living has become the norm.
Simply put by Nancy Marks, this piece was:
“From a walk in the city.”
- Nancy Marks
Artist Statement
“As a mixed-media artist with an extensive background in painting, printmaking and paper-making, my current work explores different narratives unified by my art-making techniques:
Urban Abstraction represents a body of work that explores the city, steeped in its aesthetic and social paradoxes. How does constructed space separate or bring people together? What makes a community and what tears it apart? This interest in the power of place can be traced back to my New York roots.
Dialogue/Interpretation grows out of my connections with nature and with my abstract emotional world. It represents my enduring respect for the human spirit, as it engages in the profound and complex process of healing.”
- Nancy Marks
Pandemic and Practice
”My practice has been up and down, as has been my moods.”
- Nancy Marks