
“An opportunity to not only start a meaningful dialogue about racial injustice, but to uplift underrepresented artists in the Tufts and greater Boston communities.”

- Tufts Daily

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“A way to connect local artists across communities.”

- The O Podcast


“While many art galleries are closing their doors due to the pandemic, there is one that is opening up avenues to uplift young artists and help them reach greater audiences.”

— Tufts Observer


“A new online gallery that seeks to use art to uplift, unite, and inspire conversations among people across the Greater Boston area during the pandemic.”

— Tufts Now


“Initiatives like Boxed have the potential to make art enjoyment a possibility for those who wouldn’t have been able to engage with it outside of the internet.”

— The Tufts Daily


“… a professional platform for the SMFA and Tufts communities to exhibit work and foster connections during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

— School of Museum of Fine Arts


“… the gallery is intended to create a space for the Tufts community to display and view art created during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

— The Tufts Daily